Paul DeBlassie III, Ph.D.

Depth Psychotherapy Devoted To Insight, Growth, and Dream Work


I specialize in depth psychotherapy, treating the unconscious mind via emotional processing and dreamwork. Dreams and emotions are royal roads to the unconscious mind. Our growth-oriented consultations unravel the hidden meanings within your dreams and feelings. We tap into practical insight that can help illuminate your path in life. Dreams, in particular, are soul messengers. They carry profound wisdom that, once understood, becomes a powerful tool for facing inner truths and generating practical change.

During an initial session, we explore whether personal consultation and dream work may help reveal blind spots, provide clarity, and restore your footing in life. With over forty years of intensive psychotherapy practice, I work toward helping each patient experience a focused collaboration that furthers mental clarity and emotional relief.

If you are in a psychological crisis, my practice is currently at capacity. In such cases, consult your primary care physician or call the National Hotline - 988. While my practice is unavailable for crisis care, I may have periodic openings for growth-oriented consultations and dream work. Please feel free to call and inquire.

Professional Affiliations: Depth Psychology Alliance, the International Association of Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, the International Association for Jungian Studies, and the International Association for the Study of Dreams.

All consultations are conducted via teletherapy.

Session Fee: $250

Spectacular Light

The thing about living is light. It surrounds us, breathes through us – not in us but through us. The force of it is subtle as the New Mexico breeze I hardly notice under the hot summer desert sun then suddenly become acutely grateful for when under the shade of a hundred-year-old cottonwood tree.

Light informs my psychotherapeutic work with patients who’ve suffered from complex childhood trauma, a terrible pain stemming from years of chronic abuse. There are horrid memories deposited in mind and body. Stepping out the door of my home each morning to go to my office, early before the sun rises over the Sandia Mountains in Albuquerque, I anticipate, hope for the light. Yes, there is hope because there is no guarantee that light, insight, will come and help the suffering to see and be a little freer.

Light, the way my patients and I experience it while sitting doing depth psychotherapy in my wood-paneled consultation office, is a subtle movement of energy. They sometimes comment, “The light in here has shifted. Have you noticed? It’s different, not brighter but clearer.” I often smile silently, acknowledging the reality of what I realize as numinous.

In depth psychology, soul-work therapy, numinous refers to spiritual awakening, an energetic force that awakens consciousness. It happens when we have a “big dream,” one that shakes us to the core and leaves a lingering sensation of mystery. Numinous and luminous are partners in life healing and transformation. It’s subtle, a shift we hardly notice, at times absolutely see, but always feel in our muscles, ligaments, and bones. Light, insight into self and others, awakens psychic truth and a sensation that the very luminosity of the room we are in and the world in which we live has shifted, transformed, for the better.

I call the numinous/luminous encounter spectacular because there is an instant, a millisecond even, when my breath stops, heart quickens, and my mind expands. Patients experience it, tears, sighs, and relief palpable. Spectacular light comes in moments of heart-to-heart conversation, a kindling of human understanding. It is subtle, meaningful, and spectacular.

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